Collaborative Minds Psychotherapy 


Working together to reach your personal goals 

Remote Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Coaching Service

Do you feel overwhelmed by you situation? 

Feeling anxious, fed up feeling trapped in your own mind and struggling to cope with the stress of life?  You might be feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, scared and generally just out of sorts and don't even know why.

Imagine living life to the full, managing the challenges that life throws at you, dealing with your emotions and situations in a way that leave you feeling empowered and free from the control of those powerful emotions that overwhelm you. What if you could finally understand the reasons behind those intense, emotions and learn to understand, manage and accept them without impacting on your life.
Sounds like a relief knowing things can change for the better?! 


Do you constantly put yourself down, compare yourself to others and wish your life could be different? Has your confidence been affected by bullying, work stress, relationship breakdowns or illness? Do you find yourself repeatedly finding yourself around people who belittle you and take advantage of you? You might be struggling with low self esteem. 

Self esteem can be defined as how much you value yourself as a person. We may strive to be the best version of ourself which can often lead to perfectionistic tendencies. This can result in us believing that we are failures, not good enough, or cause us to experience depressed mood, panic attacks and general anxiety which can really play havoc on our day to day functioning.  We can find ourselves in a constant battle with ourselves trying to please others and put the needs of others before our own. 

Do you wish you could find the courage to say "no" and to put yourself first for a change? Maybe that's an unfamiliar territory to you? 

I'm here to tell you that feeling better about yourself is absolutely possible. I can help you change those self sabotaging habits, learn to challenge that self critic, understand patterns of negative thoughts, attitudes, fixed beliefs and mindset, and really challenge those unhelpful beliefs.  Wouldn't it be lovely to live a life where you feel you fit in and belong?!

We are not born with a self critic. It's something that we develop from a young age and depending on the environment in which we are raised we can develop a negative self perception.  The negative self opinion becomes embedded and we start to believe it as fact rather than opinion. Fortunately opinions can be changed and I'm here to help you change that mindset!

It's time to uproot those unhelpful thoughts and start living the meaningful and enjoyable life you deserve. 

If you've read this far then maybe you're feeling ready to take the next step. All you need to do right now is get in touch to make further enquiries, or even book in for a free 15 minute no obligation phone call to discuss how therapy can help you.

About Me

With around 25 years of experience working in mental health I have gained a vast wealth of knowledge and expertise in treating a broad range of complex mental health difficulties. My passion lies not only in helping but in building a therapeutic rapport, supporting, coaching and empowering my clients to reach their goals. I have worked in various roles in my 20 year career in the NHS. In 2021 decided to broaden my horizons and took the plunge to create the now established, UK wide psychotherapy and coaching private practice - Collaborative Minds Psychotherapy Ltd (est.2021). 

I am no stranger to therapy having had my own struggles and periods of therapy at times throughout my adult life. I appreciate how apprehensive you may feel, not only about choosing the right therapist but how vulnerable and exposed you might feel at a time when you need support the most. 

Having the option of attending sessions remotely in the privacy and comfort of your home (or in the office in your lunch hour if that's what works for you) can help reduce the stress of trying to find extra time to travel to and from appointments.

Difficulties with our mental health on any scale can impact our functioning and quality of life. We try to ignore or avoid our problems but those quick fixes rarely provide any lasting benefit.

Working collaboratively will allow us to uncover the onset of your difficulties, identify and understand triggers, make sense of what is maintaining the symptoms and most importantly find strategies and tools to help you cope. Having a really clear understanding of the formulation is key in you being able to achieve long term sustainable improvement. When therapy comes to an end I will work with you to develop a robust relapse prevention plan to ensure you are best equipped to manage any challenges you may be faced with in the future. 

Together we will put the pieces of the puzzle together so you can start to understand how you work and develop helpful and healthier coping strategies and techniques to navigate your life and break free from the vicious cycles that keep you feeling stuck. 

The therapeutic alliance created from the onset will be the foundation of the therapeutic journey and I take pride in having a natural ability to quickly establish a positive rapport with my clients helping you feel at ease, valued, validated, listened to and respected. 
Ready to take the next step? Contact me ->


Director of Collaborative Minds Psychotherapy, Melissa Paton, is a fully qualified and BABCP Accredited High Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Registered Mental Health Nurse. You can find me on the CBT register by clicking this link

Being registered will give you peace of mind that my practice as a clinician meets high standards as I receive regular training and supervision as part of the requirements of an accredited therapist.

I am insured to work with adults aged 18+.   

It's not easy choosing the right therapist and that's why I offer a no obligation, free 15 minute discovery call so you can ask any questions , briefly discuss your difficulties and decide how we can proceed with therapy. Just get in touch via email, phone or text by using the 'contact us' button and we can arrange a time that is convenient to chat. 

CBT is an effective evidence based treatment that can help treat a wide variety of mental health difficulties. Collaborative Minds has a special interest is helping improve self-esteem, anxiety and depression, although not limited to those listed.

Session frequency and recommended number of sessions will depend on the severity and chronicity of your symptoms.




What Is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is a well researched psychological treatment for a range of psychological difficulties, including; anxiety, depression, PTSD and OCD. 
CBT is based on the concept that our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and physical sensations all influence each other. CBT is a talking therapy which focuses on modifying our thoughts and behaviours to enable us to find alternative ways of dealing with those difficulties and improve our mental health.

Ready to invest in yourself?

Get in touch......


If you're ready to explore your mind and sort through those racing, confusing thoughts then get in touch and let me help guide you on the path of recovery. Drop me an email with your details and we can have a brief chat about what's going on for you right now and what you would like to achieve. Don't forget to leave your email address and/or a contact number too!

Crisis support


Please note that Collaborative Minds Psychotherapy does not provide a crisis service. If you are experiencing any thoughts of self harm or suicide then please contact your GP Or out of hours service. If you believe you are at immediate risk of harm then call emergency services. Alternatively you can call Breathing Space (Scotland) on 0800 83 85 87 or the Samaritans on 116 123.


Training and Registration

I am a fully qualified High Intensity CBT therapist registered with the BABCP, an NMC Registered Mental Health Nurse and am a fully insured practitioner. 

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